{"id":1450,"date":"2021-11-26T17:45:02","date_gmt":"2021-11-26T17:45:02","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/zerotoart.com\/?p=1450"},"modified":"2021-11-26T17:45:03","modified_gmt":"2021-11-26T17:45:03","slug":"how-to-invert-selection-in-photoshop","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/zerotoart.com\/how-to-invert-selection-in-photoshop\/","title":{"rendered":"How to Invert Selection in Photoshop"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

You\u2019ll often need to select a particular area of an image. The selection process can be fast and easy, but also complex and time-consuming. It depends on the goal you are trying to achieve. In this article, I\u2019ll teach you how to invert the selection in Photoshop. You\u2019ll see that this knowledge will be useful and highly applicable in all your future photo editing adventures.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

In short, inverting a selection means that your originally selected area becomes unselected, while the previously unselected area becomes selected<\/strong>. There are a few ways how you can achieve that.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

3 quick methods to invert selection in Photoshop<\/h2>\n\n\n\n

Let\u2019s start with the following example. First, open an image. In my case, it\u2019s an image of a cup of coffee on the table.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Now, select the part of an image you don\u2019t want to have selected in the end. You can do that by using one of the selection tools (Marquee tools, Lasso tools, or Quick selection tools).\u00a0Draw the selection boundaries around that part of an image. You\u2019ll know that the selection is active when you see short, dashed lines surrounding the selected area<\/strong>, also known as the marching ants.<\/p>\n\n\n\n


Just for demonstration, I will delete everything that is covered by selection by pressing the Del <\/strong>key shortcut. You can see that the cup of coffee disappeared, leaving the empty space in the middle of the layer.<\/p>\n\n\n\n


To invert the selection, first, make sure you have an active selection<\/strong>. Then use one of the following 3 methods:<\/p>\n\n\n\n